Liturgy - First Holy Communion - Confirmation - Altar Servers
Jesus said “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these
that the kingdom of God belongs.” - Mark 10:14
God the Holy Trinity –
God the Father,
God the Son and
God the Holy Spirit
– was present at our Baptism as we became members of Christ’s Church, and is always central to our lives in faith.
The Parish always welcomes children, and through Catechism we aim to support parents raising their children in the faith, helping their children learn about Christ’s life and teaching about God the Father.

1. Children’s Liturgy
“Where two or three meet in my name, I shall be there with them” - Matthew 18:20
During term time we provide Children’s Liturgy during the first part of Sunday 11am Mass. Children from Year 1 up to First Communion age are welcome to attend. It takes place during the first half of the Mass, starting after the welcome the Catechists and children go over to the Presbytery.
Children’s Liturgy is an act of worship which follows the format of the Liturgy of the Word, teaching the children how to fully participate in the Mass, the signs, prayers and readings. We explore the meaning of the Gospel using questions and explanations, trying to ensure the children understand the meaning of Christ’s message, as Christ, God the Son teaches us about the love and grace that God the Father has for us, and about God the Holy Spirit working in us. Before returning to Church the children create a small artwork relating to the Gospel message, which is put on their board and they then return to Mass at the Offertory procession.

Any queries please email Catechist Robbie Meehan on

2. Preparation for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” - Matthew 26:26
Application forms are available at the back of the Church and here on the website for children who are aged 7 starting Year 3 or above in September 2024. There will be a meeting for parents in September, classes will start in October 2024.
Any queries please email Catechist Robbie Meehan on

3. Altar Servers group
Cvi servire regnare est - To serve Christ is to reign.
Servers must have received their First Holy Communion before becoming an Altar Server, and full training is given for this important service.
We hold sessions for Altar Servers Group every other Friday during term time. In the sessions we have Servers practice, learning more about the Faith, and the Mass and special events in the Church’s year.
Servers also have fun with quizzes and games! There is usually an annual outing eg: bowling and pizza.
Any queries please email Catechist Robbie Meehan on

4. The Sacrament of Confirmation preparation
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation and the Confirmation Mass takes place every three years at Sacred Heart, Dereham.
The next preparation course will start in October 2025, and forms will be available for applications over summer 2025. Candidates must be going into Year 9. More information will be available nearer the time.
Any queries please email Catechist Robbie Meehan on